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Identifying Problems With The Hot Water Heater

3 Ways to Identify a Malfunctioning Water Heater

If a home plumbing system has a heart, it is not the toilet or kitchen sink but the water heater. It helps with the everyday chores of keeping the home clean and comfortable and assisting with cooking. Problems with the hot water can upend a whole routine and easily cause disgruntled feelings among the household members. Like most appliances, a water heater shows signs that it needs maintenance and repair before it stops working. These indicators for water heater repair or replacement are discussed below.

Banging and Popping Sounds

soundsIf a homeowner has neglected their water heater maintenance or the home has hard water, then sediment can build up in the tank. This can result in poor recovery, that is, how quickly the tank of water comes back up to the optimal temperature after being depleted, and unpleasant sounds can result. Since the water heater is normally quiet, a loud noise from it can certainly be alarming, but it can also indicate a couple of different issues described in the following list.

  • Anode Rod Replacement: One of the reasons for sediment buildup is the need to replace the anode rod. This is a special piece of equipment that attracts positive ions in the water to prevent corrosion. This leads to a breaking down of the anode rod instead of inside the water heater tank. Because it breaks down, it needs to be replaced occasionally to have a fully functioning water heater.
  • Hard Water: Around 90% of the homes in the United States have hard water. It is not harmful for human consumption, but its high mineral content can leave calcium and magnesium deposits in pipes and hot water tanks. Flushing the hot water tank can solve this problem.

Professional maintenance is needed to lengthen any appliance's life, including water heaters. Even tankless water heater maintenance is necessary.

Water is Discolored or Smells Bad

sinkIf water comes out of the tap discolored or metallic smelling, this can point to a corroded water heater. This can be due to a lack of maintenance or just age. If the interior lining of the water heater gets damaged, it can expose the tank's metal to corrosive elements. This can cause a host of issues throughout the house.

  • Laundry that doesn't come clean
  • Foul tasting water
  • Spotty dishes
  • Stinky laundry
  • Tank Leaks

If the tank is corroded, repair is not an option. Water heater replacement is needed.

The Hot Water Tank is Leaking

A leaking water heater can sometimes be repaired by simply tightening the plumbing connections or replacing the pressure release valve. These repairs should be assessed and performed by a plumbing professional. As previously stated, certain problems, such as corrosion, cannot be repaired; only an entire replacement will work. 

About B&L Plumbing

When homeowners need a plumber with no after-hours fees, they should call B & L Plumbing. They serve Colorado Springs, CO, and the surrounding areas with 24-hour emergency water heater service.

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