Ductless Mini Split AC Systems in Colorado Springs, CO

For an alternative to a forced-air cooling system, call us at 719-638-7341 for ductless mini split system installations in Colorado Springs, CO.

You have options other than a forced-air cooling system to keep your house cool in summer. One popular option is a ductless mini split system. These units can quickly and efficiently cool homes, allowing them to use less energy and reduce utility bills. Call our experts at B&L Plumbing for appointments in Colorado Springs, CO. We only provide quality products!

Is your AC system due for maintenance? Call us for air conditioning repair services.

Advantages of Ductless Mini Split Systems

When deciding if you should purchase a ductless mini split system for your house, it’s essential to understand the benefits the unit offers. Some of the key advantages to consider are:

  • Lower utility bills: This system functions with higher efficiency, reducing your monthly energy expenses.
  • Zoned cooling: This unit allows you to set different temperatures in every room of your property.
  • Easy installation: A professional can easily install these systems since they don't necessitate ductwork or significant property alterations.
  • Quiet operation: These units operate with much less noise compared to forced-air systems.
  • Take up less space: These units have a sleek design and can be installed in nearly any location, usually on a wall or ceiling.

For ductless mini split air conditioner installations or ductless mini split heating system replacements in Colorado Springs, CO, call our technicians at B&L Plumbing!

How To Maintain Your Ductless Mini Split

To keep your ductless heating and cooling system working correctly all summer, our AC contractors at B&L Plumbing recommend performing routine maintenance. Some tasks they suggest are:

  • Change the filters regularly: Swap out the filters for new ones on a monthly basis to not only trim down on utility costs but also maintain a comfortable environment in your home.
  • Schedule regular inspections: Arrange for regular maintenance appointments with a professional at least once a year to guarantee the unit operates optimally.
  • Inspect interior components: During standard maintenance, make sure the contractor thoroughly inspects the inside of the unit to confirm that all components are in good working order.

Is there a musty smell in your house when the AC is running? You may need evaporator coil services. Contact us for assistance!

How To Save Money With a Ductless Mini Split System

One of the biggest advantages of scheduling ductless mini split installation services is the cost savings it will provide. These systems allow you to reduce your utility bills in Colorado Springs, CO, by running more energy efficiently.

Ductless heating and air systems do this with zoned cooling and heating options, keeping the rooms you’re currently in comfortable while halting the cooling process in the rooms you don’t use as often. It can lead to up to 50 percent monthly savings on your utility bills.

When you need ductless mini split system replacements and ductless system repairs, call B&L Plumbing at 719-638-7341 to schedule appointments in El Paso County and Colorado Springs, CO. We are veteran-owned!